Pattern Recognition (Fall 2017)

Administrative Matters

Instructor: Dr. Ying Shen (沈莹) (

Evaluation: assignments(30%), project (65%), participation (5%)

Latest Notices

Lecture Slides


Related Materials

Introduction    Data

Tutorial 01

Tutorial 02

1. UCI Machine Learning Repository

2. A tutorial on Principal Components Analysis

3. Feature selection techniques in bioinformatics

Model evaluation and selection

Linear model

Tutorial 03    Lab 1

Assignment 1 due date: Nov. 1


Decision Tree

Tutorial 04    

Decision tree implemented in matlab code

Source codes directory

Neural network


Lab 2

Ensumble Learning

Clustering Analysis

Tutorial 05    

Assignment 3 due date: Jan. 2


Dimension Reduction


Basics for Machine Learning and A Special Emphasis on CNN

Assignment 2 due date: Nov. 29,2017 (For problem 1, send your solution to the 'Assignment Email'; for problem 2, I will check your results personally in our lecture time.)

  1. Demo for linear regression

  2. Demo for softmax regression

  3. An easy tutorial for understanding backpropagation

  4. Caffe: The most widely used deep learning framework

  5. Windows CaffeInstallation Guide

  6. Digit classification demo. Classify an image with a digit using your trained LeNet. (For instructions, refer to Installation Guide)

  7. Cifar10 test demo. Classify an image using your trained Cifar10 network. (For instructions, refer to Installation Guide)

  8. Self Data Training. This ZIP file contains all the necessary files to conduct self-data training mentioned in Installation Guide.

  9. K. He et al., Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition, CVPR 2016

  10. G. Huang et al., Densely Connected Convolutional Networks, CVPR 2017

  11. J. Redmon et al., Yolo: 9000 better faster stronger, CVPR 2017

  12. Learn to configure YoloV2 and try to solve your own detection task,

Applications of CNNs
  1. Linshen Li and Lin Zhang* et al.,., Vision-based parking-slot detection: A benchmark and a learning-based approach, ICME, 2017

  2. Z. Cao et al., Realtime multi-person 2D pose estimation using part affinity fields, CVPR 2017

  3. CMU OpenPose Libary, 

GANs and Their Applications in Image Generation

  1. I.J. Goodfellow et al., Generative adversarial nets, NIPS, 2014

  2. A. Radford et al., Unsupervised representation learning with deep convolutional generative adversarial networks, ICLR, 2016

  3. M. Arjovsky et al., Towards principled methods for training generative adversarial networks, ICLR, 2017

  4. M. Arjovsky et al., Wasserstein GAN, arXiv, 2017

  5. I. Gulrajani et al., Improved training of Wasserstein GANs, arXiv, 2017

  6. P. Isola, J. Zhu, T. Zhou, and A.A. Efros, Image-to-image translation with conditional adversarial networks, CVPR, 2017

  7. J. Zhu et al., Unpaired image-to-image translation using cycle-consistent adversarial networks, arXiv, 2017

  8. C. Ledig et al., Photo-realistic single image super-resolution using a generative adversarial network, CVPR, 2017

  9. A. Shrivastava et al., Learning from simulated and unsupervised images through adversarial training, CVPR, 2017



*Matlab Tutorial

Examples for Matlab Tutorial

A matlab tutorial document



1. Compress all files into a .zip file whose name is composed of student name and ID.

2. For the programming assignments, you can use any programming language as you like.

3. All the documents you hand in, including comments in the source codes, should be in English.

4. Send your solutions to


1. Marks for assignment1, 工学班工程班

2. Marks for assignment2, 工学班工程班

Final Projects


1. Compress all files into a .rar or .zip file whose name is composed of student name and ID (such as "").

2. All the documents you hand in should be in English.

Requirement details for the program and the report:

Project contents

Program (30 points)

Report (35 points)

Marking scheme


Origninality of the selected topic or applied method (published since 2010) (10');

Performance (15')

Complexity of the project (workload) (5')


1. (5'); 2. (10'); 3.(5'); 4. (10'); 5. (3'); Clarity (2')

Main References





Other Related Materials


Pattern Classification

Richard O. Duda, Peter E. Hart, David G. Stork





Created on: Sep. 22, 2013

Last updated on: Dec. 4, 2013